Sunday, February 17, 2013

We will be offering Issue #1 for only $1.00 till the end of February!!

Make payments with Google- Download with PayLoadz
Help the Thousand Islands. A portion of proceeds from all e-book downloads will be directly allocated to non-profit organizations that promote conservation in and around Cocoa Beach. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Looking to explore the Thousand Islands of Cocoa Beach but don't have your own watercraft?
Check out these fine guides that we highly recommend:

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Issue #1  Ramp Road: Portal to the Thousand Islands is now available! Download now for only $3.00!

You'll find 28 pages dedicated to Ramp Road Park in Cocoa Beach. This issue features a plant guide, a paddling trail, and a map of Power Cadet Island

To view a sample page, please visit: Sample Page on Scribd.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Our upcoming maps...

Every issue will contain at least one detailed map of an area in Cocoa Beach. Issue #1 contains a map of Ramp Road Park and Power Cadet Island (located in the Thousand Islands). These maps take a lot of "on the ground" efforts and user submitted content is highly sought. Do you know of something that should be on one of our maps, please email:

Unofficial Campsites/Fire Circles near Power Cadet Island

This is one of the maps that didn't make it into the first issue. Stay tuned for more maps in the future including; self guided plant tours, paddling trails, fishing spots and more.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Ramp Road Park

Ramp Road Park in Cocoa Beach offers access to the southside Thousand Islands. This area includes Jones Creek, the Pan Am Flyway Flat, Shorty's Pocket, Spoonbill Swamp, and Trout Lake. Notable land features include: Power Cadet Island, Skip Island, Fiddler Crab Island, and Crawford Island.

Issue #1 of The Adventure Guide to Cocoa Beach explores Ramp Road park and Power Cadet Island, from the land and the water. Download Issue #1 now for only $3 dollars. Put the .pdf on your smartphone and take it with you!

Boats looking to enter the greater Banana River Lagoon from Ramp Road have two options. 1). Head south using the 600 channel past Snug Harbor and Edwards Bay into the lagoon about one mile north of Patricks Air Force Base. The Lagoon is more than 3 miles wide here. 2.) Heading north by west using the 500 channel will put you in the Lagoon just off the Cocoa Beach Country Club.